About Wedding Venue Offers

Trusted Online Directory of top UK Wedding Venue Offers & Reception Venue deals
Follow us @ukweddingvenues
In 2004 two life long friends, Katie & Emma launched Wedding Venue Directory, which ran successfully for nearly 15 years when it was decided, in October 2019 to completely rebrand and relaunch the website as Wedding Venue Offers!!!!
The same range of fantastic venues & customer service from Wedding Venue Directory with a fresh, brand new website and trading name.
With years of experience in searching for the perfect wedding venue we are here to guide you!
Our aim is to work closely with the most amazing venues around the UK to ensure we provide you with all the latest news and hot of the press offers from venues that suit every style & every budget. Our offers section has latest wedding offers for you to check out
Planning your wedding can be a daunting experience but we are here to help. Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions Page for helpful tips
We have a entire collection of traditional, unique, quirky, and inspiring venues and our aim is to be the go-to site for wedding venue news, offers and discounts. The venues pages are a wealth of information with key facts, venue videos, latest wedding fairs and offers and fabulous photos. You can search by the type of venue you are looking for and the area in which you would like to get married.
We love everything about weddings so we’re here to help you choose and plan your perfect wedding at the perfect price! If you need any advice or help just get in touch!
But enough about us - let’s talk about you!
If you are recently engaged and searching for your dream wedding venue, you’ve come to the right place to find a fantastic selection of stunning venues, offering some amazing discounts, such as free room hire, free canapés, all inclusive packages, last minute availability….the list is endless! You’ll also inspirational blogs, real life weddings and wedding fairs local to you. All helping you to plan your perfect day. Take a good look and let us know if you have any questions about any of our featured venues or offers.
Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @ukweddingvenues, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest